
Rhetorical Criticism: Context, Method, and the Book of Jonah is unavailable, but you can change that!

Phyllis Trible examines rhetorical criticism as a discipline within biblical studies. In Part One, she surveys the historical antecedents of the method from ancient times to the postmodern era: classical rhetoric, literary critical theory, literary study of the Bible, and form criticism. Trible then presents samples of rhetorical analysis as the art of composition and as the art of persuasion. ...

With affinities to classical rhetoric, literary critical theory forms the second component.19 A model devised by the twentieth century American critic M. H. Abrams presents an overview of the subject.20 Four elements constitute the total situation of a literary artifact: the work, the artist, the universe, and the audience. Abrams orders them in a triangle with the work of art at the center. The particular emphasis assigned each element gives rise to four sets of theories
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